Songs Written with a Feather Quill: a musical fairy tale about Stanisław Moniuszko
Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera
moreThe Moniuszko Lounge is a special space at the Teatr Wielki devoted to the composer. Accessible to all, it aims to bring Moniuszko closer to contemporary audiences. Visitors will learn about his life, work and its reception over the years. Thanks to surviving archival materials, you can also see how his operas have been staged over the years and marvel at the vintage costumes, set designs and playbills. We have also asked major culture figures to share their experiences with the music of Stanisław Moniuszko. Singers, stage directors and musicologists discuss the composer's patriotism and romanticism, his humour and relaxed manner. Among those interviewed were Piotr Beczała, Daniel Cichy, Waldemar Dąbrowski, Izabela Kłosińska, Urszula Kryger and Wiesław Ochman. The Moniuszko Lounge sells books, recordings and merchandise related to the Moniuszko bicentenary as well as other products from our store. Throughout the year the space will host workshops and performances for children and adults, talks and book launches. More information about the events is available in our Programme section. The space has been designed and built by Izabela Chełkowska and Cezary Żegliński. The Moniuszko Lounge is located in the Teatr Wielki's left wing.
Monday-Friday 9 am-6 am weekdays 11 am-5 am Ticket holders may also visit an hour before the curtain-up Free admission
(photo: Kinga Karpati)
Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera